quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2007

Slowly ...

Slowly ... so very slowly ...
That's the way pain passes me by
And when it comes, quietly,
I feel like I'm not going to survive
My body starts trembling
My heart beats so furious
I'm anxious, so vulnerable
can't help felling curious
I close my eyes
I put my hands on my ears
Don't even want to look around
And notice that I'm here for years
The pain circles me around
I've no strength to take it away
feel like i'm loosing control
I presume that's the price I'll pay...


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2 comentários:

lampejo disse...

O tempo marca o seu compasso, e deixa em nos marcas inapagáveis...

Unknown disse...

Se deixa lampejo!! Mas todas nos ajudam a crescer ... embora às vezes pense que já não queria crescer mais :)
